Local Rules - Daily Member Play
The embedded ball rule is in effect in all general areas of the golf course. At any place on the course, except in penalty areas and/or bunkers, if a player’s ball comes to rest in its own pitch mark the player may lift the ball, clean it, and drop it as near as possible to the spot where it had come to rest not nearer the hole (Rule 16-3).
Where both lines and stakes exist, lines take precedence in defining the boundary of a penalty area or out of bounds. Players are to use their best judgement regarding where the margins of penalty areas and out of bounds are located iflines are not visible.
All bridges, supporting posts and railings are deemed to lie within the margins of penalty areas. If a player’s ball has come to rest in a penalty area there is no free relief from them. If a player’s ball lies outside of the penalty areas the player may take free relief from them under the immovable obstruction rule (Rule 16-1).
Wood chips and mulch at the base of trees are loose impediments. They may be moved at the player’s discretion, but if the ball moves as a result the player will incur a one-stroke penalty and the ball must be replaced.
Paved cart paths and pathways created by material (such as gravel) brought in are immovable obstructions. If a players stance, area of intended swing, or lie of the ball is interfered with by the obstruction, the player may obtain free relief. Relief, if taken, must be within one club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole and it must be complete relief (Rule 16-1).
For purposes of daily play it is deemed that Non-Maintained Areas (NMA) are penalty areas. Those areas are identified below in the hole-by-hole section. If a players ball touches, has come to rest in, or is lost in such an area the player may take relief under Rule 17-1, one-stroke penalty. The player may play the ball as it lies in the NMA, taking into account all rules for playing a ball out of a penalty area.
Exposed Root Rule has been implemented to prevent personal injury and/or golf club damage from roots that are exposed away from the tree. Rule applies only to roots that have surfaced away from the normal trunk of the tree.
If it is determined that your ball has come to rest on or within striking distance of an Exposed Root and you request relief, the following steps must be applied: The allowable relief distance must be no greater than the distance required to ensure complete relief from the Exposed Root. Place a tee at the spot where your original ball lies. Take relief by placing the ball in a spot that ensures relief from the Exposed Root only, which in most cases should be within 3-5 inches away from the Exposed Root. The ball may be cleaned when lifted under this rule. Exception to Rule: Interference by an Exposed Root with the player's stance is deemed not to be, of itself, interference under this rule. You may not take additional relief that could improve your stance or swing away from trees, bushes, etc.
Removed Tree Stump fill areas are considered Ground Under Repair (GUR). If ball touches or is in GUR fill area, the player must take complete relief - nearest point no closer to hole. Note: Tree Stumps are not considered GUR. Player must play the ball as it lies.
Hole-By-Hole Information
- The creek in front of the green is a penalty area (yellow). There is NMA (red) right of the green complex. The driving range is part of the course and is not out of bounds.
- The creek in front of the tee is a penalty area (yellow). There is an out of bounds along the left side of the hole.
- There is an out of bounds along the left side of the hole. The flowerbed near the #4 teeing area is an immovable obstruction from which free relief must be taken under Rule16-1.
- The flowerbed near the teeing area is an immovable obstruction from which free relief must be taken under Rule16-1. There is a penalty area (red) along the entire left side of the hole. NMA (red) begins at the water feature and extends up towards the green.
- There is a penalty area (red) behind the green. The timbers lining the penalty area define the boundary. If a player’s ball comes to rest touching one of the timbers, it is in the penalty area and there would be no free relief from that obstruction. There is NMA (red) on the left side of the hole.
- There are penalty areas (red) on both sides of the fairway (left side up to green). The creek between the two bridges, about 130 yards from the green, is a penalty area (yellow).
- There are penalty areas (red) both left and right of the green - rock lining the hazard defines boundary. There is NMA (red) along the entire left side of the hole. If there is uncertainty as to which left penalty area (pond or NMA) the ball entered, the ball must be dropped in the drop area.
- There is a penalty area (red) in front of the green; the rocks define the margin.
- There is a penalty area (yellow) crossing the fairway in front of the teeing area. There is a transition to a penalty area (red) at the bridge to the far left of the hole. NMA (red) defines the boundary along the left side of the hole for that penalty area. The flowerbed and practice green behind the 9th green and the flowerbed surrounding the10th tee are immovable obstruction from which free relief must be taken under Rule 16-1.
- There is a penalty area (yellow) crossing the fairway in front of the back teeing area. There is NMA (red) along the right approach and behind the green.
- There is a penalty area (yellow) that runs across the fairway. There is NMA (red) along the left side from thevteeing area to the creek. There is NMA (red) on the right past the creek towards the green.
- There is out of bounds along the left side of the hole and behind the green. There is NMA (red) on the right side of the hole. Free relief must be taken if ball is on putting nursery right of teeing area.
- There is out of bounds along the left to the bridge. There is a penalty area (yellow) that runs across the fairway.
- Free relief from course debris area over the green complex.
- There is an out of bounds along the left side of the hole. There is NMA (red) along the right side of the hole.
- There is an out of bounds along the left side of the hole. There is NMA (red) along the right side of the hole &over the green.
- There is NMA (red) along the right side of the hole.
- There is NMA (red) on the right off the tee. There is a penalty area (pond, red) on the left near the 150-yard mark - rock lining the hazard defines boundary. There is NMA (red) along the left past aforementioned penalty area,which extends up to and past the left greenside bridge. The creek that runs across the fairway in front of and to the left of the green is a penalty area (red). The flowerbed surrounding the 10th tee is an immovable obstruction from which free relief must be taken under Rule 16-1.
Updated: 6/22/2023 |